I’m delighted to have been asked to lead a workshop on social networking services and social search at the forthcoming Bazaar European Conference, 14 December 2007 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. For those of you who don’t know, Bazaar is a European funded project seeking to support the development of a community around Open Source Software in education and open content development or Open Educational Resources (OERs). The line up so far looks excellent – including Helen Keegan, Steve Wheeler, and Bazaar supremo Graham Attwell.
Main themes are data security, privacy and sustainability; social software, tools and content creation; Open Educational Resources (OERs) and the culture of sharing; Interoperability, matadata and OERs; Personal Learning Environments, ePortfolios and informal learning.
The conference has been designed to foster dialog and support the participation of everyone attending – opening with a scoping session so that attendees can decide how best to structure the event (Graham’s taken a semi-structured unconference approach – the best one I think for these kind of events – otherwise every session turns into a debate about structure vs structurlessness. Check out the flyer for further details.)
On top of all this it’s a free event! Blimey. Hope to see some of you there.