Learning Technologist of the Year 2008

I’m delighted & honoured to have won the Individual Award for 2008 Learning Technologist of the Year (pfd) at last nights ALT-C 2008 Gala dinner. The Award aims to celebrate and reward "excellent practice & outstanding achievement in the learning technology field", and was presented at the ALT conference in Leeds last night by David Cavallo, Chief Learning Architect for OLPC (One Laptop per Child).

Other teams and individuals honored last night:

The Learning Technology Group – Aditya Vadali, Dan Jackson, Georgia Georgiou, Mark Bryson, Mike Cowie, Rich Ranker, Steve Powell, and Tim Ellis from Lancaster University won the team award for "successful provision of an integrated service that has benefited staff and learners across the whole university".

Stuart Hepplestone from Sheffield Hallam University carried off the commendation in the individual category. The Learning Technology Team from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, along with the Technology Directorate from Ufi learndirect both snagged team commendations.   

The judges were kind enough to say that I am "responsible for ground-
breaking work in the learning technology domain", including my work with Will Gardner for Childnet International producing cyberbullying guidance on behalf of the DCSF as part of the UK’s Safe to Learn suite of guidance; leading Childnet’s work on Young People and Social Networking Services funded by Becta; for my work running the Edublog Awards for the last three years; and for my role in the JISC funded Emerge project, supporting and developing a sustainable community of practice around the educational use of new emergent technologies.

As fantastic as it is to be recognised for the award, there are a bunch of people that I need to thank who have worked with me and really deserve some credit for the success of these projects. At the risk of upsetting all the other people I’m also really grateful to, I’d just like to extra-thank some really important people who have made carrying out some tough projects possible, and being a learning technologist a real pleasure:

Stephen Carrick-Davis and Will Gardner of Childnet International; James Farmer, Dave Cormier, Jeff Lebow and Jo Kay – the current Edublog Awards team; and George Roberts, Marion Samler, Graham Attwell, Joe Rosa and Stephen Warburton from the Emerge Team. You are all stars, and if I don’t owe you several beers each its only because some of you already own me them.

There are many many other people I’m thankful to and have been lucky enough to work with over the last several years, so a big cheers to you all too – I hope you won’t mind me not making this post into a massive list of names. Be aware most people won’t bother reading this far anyway 🙂

15 thoughts on “Learning Technologist of the Year 2008

  1. Thanks for the congrats everyone, they’re making me giddy but really appreciated 🙂 Hope to clink a glass in 3D sometime Alec & Alan, and say thanks to you both for being there when I started out.

  2. Thanks guys – I’ve been blown away by how supportive everyone has been. Luca, hope to see you soon & glad you’ll be back with your boy sooner. Ta Damien 🙂
    & Thanks Scott, you’re one of those inspirational edubloggers who have got me here.

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